Our Ministry

Our leaders, led by Holy Spirit, have been traveling the world for over four decades spreading the love of Jesus. We share a passion to train and equip Christians to live a Holy Spirit led life and be recognized as disciples of Jesus Christ. It is our privilege to work with local churches of all denominations to host leadership seminars, evangelistic outreaches, unity movements, and conferences designed to revive, train, reengage, and mobilize the Church body. In accordance with 1 Cor. 2:4-5, we believe that demonstration is essential to root faith in God and therefore include time for prayer ministry and the testimonies which follow. We seek to only glorify God and allow His Spirit to move unfettered in all we do.

Equipping the Saints

Our ministers bring decades of international ministry experience to local bodies of believers. Sharing our journey and experiences, though our testimonies and biblical teachings, we equip and empower believers to participate in the work of the ministry. We have ministered in some of the most remote regions, some of the spiritually darkest places, and some of the most beautiful locations in the world and what we find is that everyone, regardless of culture, race, gender, nationality, etc., all long for and respond to the love of Christ.

Reviving Leaders

As pastors and leaders we understand the pressures, pitfalls, and problems leaders often face in the ministry. We offer training specifically tailored to leaders to bring personal renewal and revived joy in the ministry. We help bring them into a place of rest, enabling them to continue the work of the ministry.

Sharing the Gospel

We believe it is part of our calling as believers to “preach the gospel to all creation” with signs following (Mark 16:15, 17) and, as of 2023, we have ministered in 25 countries across 4 continents. Accordingly, we have seen countless salvations, miracles, beautiful healings, personal restorations, and unity birthed among believers in Love.

Discipling New Leaders

We work to provide opportunities to participate in some of our international mission trips and have taken teams of all sizes and ages to parts of South America, Africa, and Asia. It is our experience that participating in international evangelical ministry often results in tremendous spiritual growth for the participant while resulting in salvations, healings, and miracles for those to whom we minister.

Supporting Local Needs

As we travel the world sharing the Word, we are often moved by Holy Spirit to meet local needs. These have included providing funds to finish the roof on a prison chapel, purchasing livestock to provide sustainable income to remote villages, suppling bibles in local dialects, purchasing sewing machines to provide means to generate income, helping to establish bible schools, providing meals, connecting communities with agencies to access clean water, and supplying children school supplies among many others causes. We normally choose not to list a specified cause to support on each trip, instead we rely on God to highlight the individual, communal, or organizational needs He desires for us to meet.

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